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I'm so excited to be able to announce that, after a lengthy search, I have appointed Jim Hodgson as our new youth leader! Jim is an experienced leader through his ministry at Manitoba Pioneer Camp for a number of summers now. He's also an alumnus of St. Helen's Sunday School and Journey to Adulthood programs. He was a pilgrim to Taize on behalf of the parish in 2012. He is also our longest serving crucifer at 10am Sung Eucharist. All in all he is a wonderful match to our youth programs. Please join me in welcoming him to the position!

The position he holds is titled 'Youth Leader' and is different from that held by our previous two leaders in that he will not have a role in Godly Play. Patricia Mortenson is continuing as volunteer Godly Play leader, for which I am grateful and excited as she brings wonderful skills and an obvious passion for that ministry.

Welcome aboard Jim!